


    Joining paths to build a better perception of Europe


    Leader: Municipality of Altea


    148.920 €

    Project period:

    October 2018 – October 2020


    YOUROPE, developed within the framework of the “Europe for Citizens” programme, is a netwowk involving eight European cities focused on combating Euroscepticism among young people in the territory of the European Union. During its implementation, eight transnational meetings are held, and it is conceived as a “journey of self-discovery” as it is described in Hermann Hesse “Siddhartha”. The journey is based on three events representing the “astonishment phase”, in which participants discuss Eurosceptic theses; three more events representing the “construction phase”, in which solutions to common problems and the advantages and possibilities offered by the EU are proposed; and then two final events representing the “awareness phase”, aimed to promote and foster European values in society.


    • To contribute to combating Eurosceptic rhetoric by encouraging participants to the dialogue and to elaborate an inclusive pro-European rhetoric at a local level.
    • To empower young citizens in each territory, working with experts (university teachers, bloggers, journalists, etc.) in the knowledge of media information strategies, as well as EU policies.
    • To promote the exercise of the right to freedom of expression, especially for young people.
