• EnEnWomen: Encouraging women participation in times of pandemic


    87.220 €

    Period of the project:

    February 2022 – May 2024


    The EnEnWomen project is being carried out in response to the social crisis caused by COVID-19, and with a main view to its impact on the situation of women. Specifically, this initiative aims to explore the effects of the pandemic on the democratic debate and the enjoyment of fundamental human rights by women, especially those groups that may be in a more vulnerable situation, such as victims of gender violence, those who have experienced educational, employment or social difficulties because of their sex, or those coming from rural areas with fewer opportunities for development.

    The project aims in the firts phase to analyse and diagnose the exact situation of these groups of women, in order to create a debate and to raise awareness according to the obtained results. Then, the goa lis to promote their social inclusion, especially through the full guarantee of all their rights.


    • To study and discuss the impact of COVID-19 on the exercise of fundamental rights with a focus on issues related to the situation of women (gender-based violence, unemployment and education difficulties, lack of participation).
    • To encourage democratic dialogue as an essential element for the improvement of social inclusion.
    • To encourage the active participation of women in social life.
    • To educate citizens about the values of the European Union and to reinforce the sense of belonging to it.

    Other points to be noted

    The “EnEnWomen” project advocates the promotion of gender equality, the awareness of the problem of violence against women and domestic violence, and the promotion of international learning opportunities to improve the skills of women to facilitate their social inclusion and the integration into the community.

    Both formal and non-formal education tools are combined, including those coming from the digital area, as well as the participation of different entities, whose diversity can improve the results of the workshops and activities to be carried out during the Project (municipalities, women’s centres or non-governmental organisations in rural areas).


    Bucarest, Romania, 6 – 9  July 2023.
    Paris, France, 16 – 20 November 2023.
    Molfetta, Italy, 22 – 26 February 2024.
    Altea, Spain, 30 May – 1 June 2024.

    Project in images


    Association Jean Monnet (France), Universitatea Nationala De Educatie Fizica si Sport Bururesti (Romania), Municipality of Altea (Spain).